Penny stocks are investment alternatives to the conventional stock and bond trading. The stocks are low prices, low-grade securities. Contrary to the name they are given they seldom cost a penny. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) a U.S. government agency that supervises securities transactions, mutual fund trading and financial activities to prevent fraud and intentional deception consider a penny stock to be anything under $5 trading a share. If one is interested in trading in penny stocks, what guidelines are available to assist. Below are some guidelines to penny stock investing.
Penny Stock Investing Guidelines
Understand what it is all about
If you are a seasoned investor or just beginning in the trade, you need to prepare yourself for penny stock trading. Stock trading is considered as taking a risk to get returns. Penny stocks are considered as high-risk trading stocks. Thus one needs to prepare themselves. One needs to have as much information as possible as they plan to invest. First, penny stocks are not traded on the stock exchange like the NYSE (New York Stock Exchange) or the NASDAQ ( National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations System) this is because the companies selling do not qualify to be registered on such trading markets.
They are available in other trading markets like Over-the-Counter Bulletin Board (OTCBB) or Pink Slips that allow stock sale without requiring SEC filings, public scrutiny or comprehensive registration.
Research and do your homework
Once you come across a stock that you are interested in purchasing, do some research on the company. The research is to determine whether the investment is worthwhile and if the company is likely to grow. Prioritize on purchasing penny stocks that you get information on and steer away from those that do not present any real data. Things one can look for is to analyze the company’s balance sheet which will show all companies assets and liabilities. Review also the company’s profitability this will help you find out if the company has a positive operating income. Companies operating on losses are less likely to increase in value and grow.
Develop a strategy
Once you decide which company or companies to buy the penny stocks from the next thing is to register with a platform to make trades. An investing trading account allows one to be able to buy and sell in stocks. Create an account and deposit enough funds to trade. Most of this platforms charge a commission fee to facilitate the trade. Thus consider the costs and select a platform that will fit your trading needs.
Decide on the trading strategy. One strategy is to sell quick, do not wait to get 100% return or more if you can make 20 or 30 % profit of initial investment consider selling. Another strategy is the buy-and-hold. Where one takes cheap stock and keeps them, to sell at a time when the price increases. Trade in high volume stocks, it is easy to offload large volume share as compared to low volume stocks.
Once you purchase the penny stock. Monitor your penny stocks investment closely and know when to sell. Penny stock investing takes patience and dedication. For more information click’s penny stock picks. With the above guidelines, one is ready to start investing in penny stocks.